This is a closeup of a fuchsia bush. I don't recall exactly where I took it, and I can't dig up the travel notes right now. But this stuff grows practically wild over there, and it's beautiful.
As far as progress this weekend, DH says progress was made, but it must be the invisible kind. Because for the life of me, the place doesn't look any different, other than a few extra piles of paperwork sitting around. And sometimes I just really need visual progress.
Don't get me wrong. We did get stuff accomplished. DH took a half-day on Friday to get some banking things done. That took two trips, because we forgot to take El Burrito's Social Security card and our marriage license (since I was cashing in an oooold savings bond, hence needing proof of my maiden name). Duh. Luckily, we only live a mile or so from the bank, so it took longer to track down the papers than it did to drive home.
Saturday, though, seems to be a total loss, and I don't know why. We didn't go anywhere, since the errands were done on Friday, and the TV was off most of the day. We (DH, actually) started out working on taxes. That morphed into a giant pile of Every Online Receipt from the past three years, as we tried to determine whether we hit the $2,000 threshold for "things bought online from places that didn't charge sales tax." Gah. Still haven't reached a conclusive answer on that one, although we did find out how much we spent at Amazon.com last year. And Dell did charge tax on the new PC, so we may not have hit the limit after all.
But other than filing a large stack of Vanguard and bank stuff, and sorting out endless receipts, we really don't seem to have gotten anything concrete done on Saturday. I did refund some excess postage for something I sold online, and filled out the forms to request our free credit reports, but the To Do list didn't seem to be affected at all. We still don't have a hotel room for the Nashville trip, the dishes didn't get touched until almost midnight last night, and the aquarium didn't get cleaned, so it still has this funky odor to it that won't go away. It's strange, like this weird time warp.
And Sunday, if it's at all possible, was even less productive! Thanks to the time change, we overslept. Then it seemed like no time at all to have lunch, read the paper, and get ready to go to DH's parents' place for a birthday party. Two brothers and a nephew this time. With 20 birthdays a year in the family, we're out there at least once a month for a party. We left around 4:30, and didn't get back until 11:00. (Yes, I missed Dresden Files.) We can not seem to leave before 10:00 when we go out; luckily it's only a half-hour away, but still.
And of course, my least-favorite-on-DH's-side sister-in-law was there, with another little sideways compliment about El Burrito. Yes, it bugged me, and I know it shouldn't, and I may just be hearing things in her tone that aren't really there, and apparently I've forgotten the high school lessons about ignoring comments, and it sounds dumber on the screen than it does in my head, and gawd knows I'm the Queen of the Self-inflicted Guilt Trip. But still. It irks me. About 6 weeks ago, after finding out that El Burrito isn't waving on command yet, she looked right at him and said "There's all sorts of things you can learn if Mommy and Daddy would just take the time to teach you." Implying, to my ears anyway, that he's a smart kid, but his parents are clearly not up to snuff or something. Yesterday, she was asking if he was "into everything yet." No, we said. Not walking yet? No. Not pulling up on furniture? No. He's not cruising from furniture to furniture yet? No. Not crawling yet? No. Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like she kept asking because she thought we misunderstood the question or something.
And now that that's off my chest, I'm off to do more laundry and see if El Burrito is up yet. Rotten time change, his schedule is all off-kilter. And see how my Ebay auction goes. It's up to $3.25 now, and I'm hoping to get a lot of bids in the last half hour.
But there's good news. Less than a month before a new season of Deadliest Catch starts. Wheee!
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