Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Recent reading

I used to keep a notebook with a list of all the books I read, but I got out of the habit. I'll try it here for a while.

  • Names and Naming in Young Adult Literature - Nilsen and Nilsen. Interesting tidbits.
  • The Second Nine Months - Vicki Glembocki. Wish I'd read this one last year; it's nice to know that not everyone buys into the "motherhood is all happy gooey sweetness" idea. She must have gotten over it, though - she's had another baby. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
  • 40 Digital Photography Techniques - John Kim. Good tips, some a bit basic, but still educational.
  • Day of Honor - Michael Jan Friedman & Jeri Taylor. A novelization of an episode of Star Trek: Voyager. I think sometimes I'm the only person who liked Voyager, and Enterprise. Heck, I even was okay with the theme for Enterprise, which had a lot of "true" fans rabidly calling for someone's head on a platter.
  • Jump for the Moon - Patricia Leitch. One of the "Jinny at Finmory" series, written in the 70's. I've got 2 of the 12 books. I'd like to have the rest, but that may take a while, because they're out of print and some of them get pricy on Ebay, etc.

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