Thursday, January 10, 2008

Camera issues

I'm writing this here so that I'll hopefully remember it. (My short term memory stinks at the moment.)

Tonight, and tomorrow morning, I need to take as many pictures as possible with my "big" camera, the SP-510. It's been having issues for a while, and the warranty is ending next month. The only email suggestion I got from the company was to try the "reset" button. So I did. And now I need to test the camera as much as possible, to see if the issues are still there.

  1. Sometimes the camera has a hard time getting a focus on something. Seems to be worse when I'm zoomed in all the way on something. Even trying to push the shutter button halfway for a focus lock doesn't work. It works away to focus on something, but ends up "locking" out-of-focus. If I try the same shot a few seconds later (after waiting for the fuzzy-shot to save), it usually works.
  2. Sometimes, when I push the shutter button, nothing happens. Okay, sometimes it tries to focus, but it never takes a picture. Seems to happen most often when I try to lock focus and then wait for the shot, but not often. Very annoying to try for a pic and not get one, especially with a fast-moving Burrito.
  3. Minor issue - using the arrow keys to scroll through the playback can be iffy - sometimes I push the little arrow key and nothing happens. Maybe I don't push firmly enough, maybe the push has to be centered in the little button (they're quarter-circle buttons, surrounding the OK button).
So, there it is. We'll see if they show up again tonight.

If they are, it's phone-support time for me tomorrow. And hopefully, if they've shipped their tech support out of the country, they hired people who can speak pretty good English, because it's hard enough to explain these weird problems in the first place. (Tracfone's phone support was a headache; I had to keep asking the guy to repeat everything so I could get a second chance to understand his accent. It took a while to fix a simple problem.)

If not, I'll keep testing this weekend, because I'd hate for this to pop up again after the warranty expires. And yes, I should have called months ago, because this isn't a new problem.

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