I checked my email when we got home from the movie, and found out that those Twits at Sci Fi (or MGM possibly) have cancelled Stargate: Atlantis. Even better, they're ending it on a cliffhanger. The lousy B@$^@*#s.
I'll admit, Atlantis hasn't been the show that Stargate: SG-1 was, especially in SG-1's early years of awesomeness. However, it's a good show most of the time, and better IMHO than most of the "Sci Fi Original" dreck that the channel churns out. I mean, seriously - Mansquito, anyone?
After this, my only reasons to watch Sci Fi will be Eureka and Doctor Who. I'm mostly over BSG (and Lost), and Who's taking a year off while David Tennant plays Hamlet. can always get Doctor Who on DVD, since the BBC is behind them. Sci Fi is just getting crappier and crappier. Soon they'll be right up there with FOX on my hit list.
At least Sci Fi wasn't quite as tacky this time. They announced SG-1's cancellation out of the blue, at the big 200th-episode party, for cripes' sake. How low can they go?
And if it was Sci Fi's decision, and they try to blame it on money? I'm calling a big "BS" on that one. They're paying for the rights to run Lost, for pete's sake - that can't be cheap.
I'm off to look at Space.com's list of top 10 SG episodes now. Maybe it'll give me happy thoughts.
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