Monday, May 5, 2008

The laundry snowball

I think I've been hit with a laundry snowball. Normally, I wash 6 loads per week. Today, it's more like 10.

Most weeks, it's
  1. Whites
  2. Lights
  3. Darks
  4. Jeans
  5. Towels
  6. El Burrito's clothes
In alternate weeks, I have a load of sheets. Sometimes, anyway. I go back and forth between washing both sets of sheets on alternate weeks, or tossing one set in with the whites every week. The alternate-week plan means an extra load, the other plan means that socks get tangled in the corners of the fitted sheet and are still wet later.

Today, in addition to the 7 planned loads, there was a load of rugs and then at least one load of coats and jackets.

The rug load started with the kitchen rug. Which had to be washed because the kitchen light burned out last week, and somehow the bulb was stuck and DH had to break it to get the base out. In spite of the bag over the bulb, a few bits of glass got loose, so I had to wash the rug just in case. Which led to "Oh, just toss the bathroom rugs in, too." Which then led to sweeping the dust bunnies out of the bathroom, and may also snowball into scrubbing the toilet and cleaning the sink and counter, if I have time.

The jackets are in line because we went to visit everyone this weekend - both sets of parents - and spent a bit of time outside getting dirty. And it's time to wash the winter coats and put them away for the summer. That may be one load, or two, depending on how bulky the pile is.

Some people go with the load-a-day method, but I'd rather just do it all in one day and get it over with. A load every day would make it seem even more like a never-ending thing than it already is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)