Monday, February 9, 2009


Recent progress in the decluttering war:

  • Called Humana today, and asked them to stop sending me retirement-related mail. I've got a few decades before it'll be relevant, and until then, it's just wasting time, money, and paper.
  • Emailed a local retirement community about the same issue.
  • Contacted Kraft, and found out that the Jell-o No-bake Cheesecake mixes in the "pantry" were embarrassingly old. That's two more boxes out of the pantry.
  • Cleaned out a shelf in the kitchen a few weeks ago. It started when I needed chicken broth for a new recipe. That's when I found out that what we had was ancient (and luckily was cheap when we bought it). While we were on a roll, we evicted the bottle of sparkling pear juice we got when we were married (8 years ago) and a couple of bottles of assorted sauces that I got as a holiday gift at one of my last two jobs (either 8 or 9 years ago - probably 9, from Boss 1, since Boss 2 was a cheapskate twit).
Next on the list is unsubscribing from a few email newsletters, and whatever oddball catalogs show up.

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