Tuesday, September 18, 2007


As much as I hate shopping for my own shoes (because I can never find something comfy in my size), shopping for toddler shoes is worse.

Have I mentioned that the Burrito is walking now? That, plus the fact that it's September, means it's time for him to have some shoes. And for a city/town this size, our shoe selection sucks. I knew this already, from my search for a pair of not-white, not-sneaker walking shoes for the Ireland trip. The Burrito shoe search confirms it so far.

He's apparently got big feet, a size 6 from the shoes at Sears, to go with the big head (and 30th %ile height/weight). Which means that most of what we found at the mall (Sears, Target, Gymboree, Foot Locker and Childrens Place) in his size was big clunky sneakers. Not what I think he needs right now, still being new to the walking thing and not quite steady on his feet yet. I'm thinking he needs something more like the soft-soled Bobux-type shoes at Target. Right?

Babies should come with a manual, really. And my mother, who came to visit yesterday, is already asking if he has a pair of shoes for the winter, and warning me that since he's gone barefooted all summer, it'll be hard to keep shoes on him. Well, it's been hot all summer, and lord knows he can pull socks off faster than I can put them back, I'm not expecting shoes to be any different. Especially once he figures out how Velcro works.


Jen said...

Size 6? Are his feed wide? (aka, do you have a hard time getting any shoes on him?) How old is he again, and how cold does it get where you are?

We used Bobux type shoes on the Bean last fall (his birthday is in October - he'll be two) but I found that as soon as it started getting really cold out they weren't warm enough. (His feet would get too cold walking on concrete outside, and if there was any moisture on the ground walking was out too as it would soak through.)

Now, if you're schlepping him around in a little bundle snow suit thing with something over his feet, they're fine. Otherwise, you're going to want some more substantial "sneakers" or the Robeez winter booties for him to help keep his feet warm.

My recommendation? If you can find a Stride-Rite store near you, they're a god-send for fitting little itty bitty hard to fit feet. They've got enough variety of shoes (and xtra wide shoes!) plus they know what they're doing. Not to mention, they've got different levels of shoes depending on the age of the child - and they're designed to help the kiddos learn to walk age-appropriately.

I've probably said too much - but shoes were my nightmare last fall. Hopefully this helps.

Jen said...

Oh yeah - you'll also want to get shoes with laces. If Burrito is like the Bean he'll have velcro figured out in a day or two, and you'll have to resort to packaging tape to keep the darn velcro closed. You get some funny looks doing that at day care.