Friday, September 14, 2007

Working on a new leaf

I'm working on turning over a (small) new leaf, brought on by my quarterly dentist visit yesterday and DH's quarterly checkup earlier in the week. We'll see how it goes.

I got a clean report from the dentist, other than one tiny possible cavity, so small that the tip of the probe won't fit into the little spot to confirm it. My gums are holding their own, and one area looks better. Better than it should - he didn't say it in so many words, but my immune system is being more helpful than it should be, considering my sorry lack of brushing and flossing. I was a faithful twice-a-day brusher for most of two years, but El Burrito tossed that train right off the tracks and over a cliff.

I'm still brushing at night - when I take out the contacts, so it's a good reminder. But I'm going to try to work the morning brushing back into the routine. I was doing it when I put my contacts in, but it finally occurred to me that eating breakfast right after I brush is sort of defeating the purpose. So the new plan is that I will brush my teeth when I go roust El Burrito out for his breakfast. It's a two birds with one stone idea - my teeth get brushed, he gets to supervise, I'm setting a good example, and hopefully he won't end up with a mouthful of fillings like me.

Part B of the new leaf is going to affect DH. We haven't got his bloodwork results back to see if the fish oil and cinnamon is working, but his doctor is not really ecstatic about his sugar numbers (Type 2 diabetes) and repeated the "lose weight and exercise" bit. So, when he got home last night, we put El Burrito in the new stroller and walked two laps around the condos. That only works out to about 2/3 of a mile, but there's a good uphill climb on the last 1/3 of the loop, so it's a decent bit of exercise. Given our schedule and lousy time management, it's the best we'll be able to do for a while, but it'll last until the time changes and it starts getting dark before DH gets home from work. I can't wait until we find a house and can buy a treadmill. But, until then, I'm planning for us to do a few laps every night, weather permitting. If I get ambitious, I could take the Burrito for a spin every morning before breakfast, but I don't know how likely that will be.

Part B.b is going to be working on the diet again. That'll take some work and pondering, because we tend to fall back on the typical meat-potato-bread sort of meal that we both grew up with. Hamburgers, steak, tater tots, etc. Or deli turkey sandwiches. Sigh. It's time to dig out the cookbooks and start getting vigilant about the carbs again. More fiber, fewer carbs, less "junk" food. Which means getting ruthless with my sweet tooth and the grocery list. It won't be fun.

1 comment:

PipneyJane said...

Christi, about the working on the diet thing - I thought this link to my collection of hamburger recipes might give you some ideas:

I cook in a lot of vegetables which melt into the meat mixture, so that you get 100% meaty flavor but at 1/3 the dietary cost. The quantities given probably feed 6.

We are big meat eaters, too, so I feel your pain.

- Pam