Monday, September 24, 2007

Random Thoughts

Random quick stuff again, because I've been busy and El Burrito is fascinated by computer mice.

More on the whole Shoes thing tomorrow. We've got an interim solution, that should hold us for a month or two, until it's cold enough to need something else.

Tracfone can be a pain. Their website, specifically, has problems with timing out on dialup, and reloading the page gets error messages. Not helpful when you're trying to order something. Their phone support is okay, but has been outsourced overseas - I managed to get a resolution last time I used it, but the accents involved meant that I had to have the CSR repeat about 80% of what they said.

El Burrito is still thisclose to getting Tooth #3 (upper right center). Sadly, I don't think I wrote down which lower tooth came in first. Makes me feel like a bit of a failure, actually. Didn't write down the day he first "walked" or smiled, or anything. Bah.

And I need to go find some ibuprofen, because my whole leg aches right now. And switch the laundry.

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