Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brain freeze

You know, I do come up with interesting things to write about here. Trouble is, they usually come to me when I'm doing something else, and by the time I get back here, I've forgotten them again.

And now El Burrito is waking up.

Burrito news: He's walking well. Working on Tooth #3 (at last!). Slept in his very own crib all night last night (first time in months). Figured out how to turn on the stereo, and crawl under the baby gate into the kitchen. Also knows how to back-crawl off the bed now, although he gets in a hurry and falls over when he lands.

No walk last night. We were bad and went out for dinner. Returned something to Walmart, bought El Burrito some clothes for next summer. Love the clearance - $1 shirts and $2 Wrangler shorts. Now I need to lose weight so I can find some of these deals for me.

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