Thursday, December 27, 2018


First, I just cost us $25 because Chase has, in their infinite wisdom, a double opt-in on their online payment system.  Credit card payment was due yesterday, so I smartly (I thought) went to set up the payment on Monday.  But apparently I forgot to hit that second confirmation button, so today I found the "Oops, where's your payment??" email.  Ugh.

Last Friday, car wouldn't start.  Battery.  The replacement battery cost about 10% of what my car is worth.  Fun times.

I resisted the Breyer warehouse sale (mostly because the ones that I wanted, like Julien, Cosette, and Sophia, I already bought last year. 

But then someone posted a purple Fruitcake Filly for sale, cheap, and even though I have one purple, I kinda want a second one.  Because purple.  But $25 shipped is a good price. 

So much for cutting back. 

Also, I like the Tightwad Gazette books, and the Facebook group for followers/fans is good, but I wish there were a good science-based frugality group.  The TWG Facebook group is full of pseudoscience and woo. 

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