Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm not ready for Christmas

In case anyone was wondering.

Note to the wise - chocolate-covered marshmallow bunnies are not at their peak taste when eaten 8 months after Easter. Especially when they were in the car traveling to Tennessee and back. (The marshmallow is a little stiff. It's odd.)

We've got an appointment this evening to get Xmas pictures taken of El Burrito, and probably the three of us. Which means I need to get offline and try to intimidate my hair into looking halfway presentable, and figure out what I can wear that makes me look less like, oh, someone who still weighs approximately what I did when I was 8 months pregnant. Fun!

DH's doctor gave him a month's trial of Byetta and a follow-up appointment in January. Loads of fun. The info pack says repeatedly to eat within an hour of taking the medicine, but they don't mention anywhere just what will happen if you don't eat (say because of car trouble or something). Yeah, there are ways, like keeping snacks around, but I'd still like to know what happens, just to be prepared and all.

And there's some lovely stuff brewing with my family, which is enough to make me want to throw fish at people. My brother's girlfriend works at the same company one of my aunts does, and apparently there's some conflict going on. And this aunt, one of Mom's sisters, has worked there for a while (girlfriend is new) and is very good at stirring up crap without getting any of it on her.

Also, my slightly tacky side is showing. At Target last night, I found the craziest Christmas stocking with a Cookie Monster head attached. It sings carols and makes Cooking Monster comments. I am so tempted to go get one, even for $14.99; I only saw one on the rack, and it's not showing up online. I draw the line at fake-mounted singing fish, though.

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