Monday, May 24, 2021

May First Reads

 So for May, we've got mystery, domestic thriller, historical fiction, women's fiction (huh?), comtemporary romance, fantasy, family drama, and memoir, plus the children's book. 

  1. Mystery - Beneath Devil's Bridge - library owns
  2. Family drama - Like Wind Against Rock - library owns
  3. Domestic thriller - the Darkest Flower - 
  4. Contemporary Romance - The Checklist - library owns
  5. Memoir - The Puma Years - could be interesting
  6. Women's fiction - These Tangled Vines - sounds like as much family drama as #2
  7. Fantasy - Bacchanal
  8. Historical fiction - Girls in the Attic - another WWII

I went with These Tangled Vines - a little literary travel might be nice, Italy sounds good.  

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