Friday, October 5, 2007

Offline for a while

I'll be offline for a bit. Computer troubles. I'm using a library PC, since DH came home early. Wicked fast connection, but I hate this keyboard and the mouse sticks. Plus, IE instead of Firefox. I miss tabs.

The "New" PC - only a few weeks newer than El Burrito - decided to crap out yesterday. I hit the power switch on the way past, and when I came back a few minutes later, still nothing. Arrgh. I did my usual checks - plugged in, power strip, etc. Turn off the strip, count to ten, try again. No go. Unplug everything, down to the monitor and phone line. Still no go. DH did some checking from work at Dell's support site and popped it open when he got home. Best guess is that the power supply crapped out. This would be the third one in 7 years. I must be jinxed. But at least, thank gods, goddesses, saints, and whoever else, it's not the hard drive. Because I stink at actually backing up things like photos. Even with the mega-huge second hard drive from the Black Friday sales last year.

And wouldn't you know, the PC would crap out when I've got auctions going on Ebay.

DH ordered a new power supply but no clue on when it'll get here. So I'm stuck with library PCs for the time being, or the laptop in a pinch. Don't like to get online with it, it doesn't have a firewall and it does have all the Quicken data, but for an hour here or there it might have to do.

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