Thursday, October 18, 2007

I don't believe this

This is getting crazy. Another email from my mother this morning. Another funeral, believe it or not. This makes three funerals in seven days for Dad's family - all at the same funeral home, all with the same man doing the service, and 2 out of 3 at the same cemetery. The Reverend has got to be getting tired of seeing the same crowd in the audience, and lord knows they're getting tired of being frequent visitors at the funeral home.

Things you just have to laugh at: " Subject term: Power tools--Drama--Video recordings." as a catalog subject heading for the Red Green Show in the library's online catalog. I wonder who came up with that one? Not surprisingly, there are no other entries under that subject. Because who else, really, would do "dramatic video recordings" about power tools? Although, Red Green is more comedy than anything, and Canadian comedy at that.

(Or maybe I took that cataloging class once too often, and normal people don't get the joke.)

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