How is it October already? Seriously, what happened to September? It's already cooling off here, although it was a whopping 87 degrees or so last Saturday. This week, it's cool enough that I'm faced with the issue of moving the houseplants back inside, and we still haven't managed to re-hang the doors - which will pretty much require that my little jungle be outside for the duration. (Although I seem to have killed the grape ivy, after 8 years.)
Short family update: Aunt's funeral is tomorrow. Uncle's will probably be sometime before Halloween, if things are as bad as I've heard. He's not breathing on his own, and he's got some brain swelling. A few days ago he could squeeze someone's hand, but not lately. The doctors say 6 days at the most.
Anyway, it's almost mid-October, which means that I need to come up with a costume for El Burrito - I'm leaning toward Cookie Monster myself, this being probably the only year I'll have any input in the decision. :) Unfortunately the cheap Walmart version is crap and the nice one online is $50. I plan to hit a few costume stores tomorrow (including a consignment place) and see what turns up. If only I could sew more than buttons.
And we need to get things organized for a visit to my sister in Atlanta. DH, normally the conservative one, is okay with the idea of flying the three of us down, but the thought of trying to get our stuff and Burrito's stuff on a plane just freaks me right the heck out. At the very least we'd need to take the stroller, playpen, and car seat, and we'd be renting a car while we were there - Sis has a Mustang and a Mini Cooper, both two-door cars and neither one what you'd be able to fit 4 people and a car seat in. (I've ridden in the back seat of the Mustang, and I had to sit sideways to fit.) The mere idea of trusting an airline to not mangle or abscond with the stroller and playpen is laughable. Of course, our other option is to drive and make a 1.5 or 2-day trip of it, so that Burrito would have some running-around time to burn off some steam.
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