Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stargate - Season 7 (middle)

Evolution, parts 1 and 2

- Space Monkey's been working out
- Holy crap, it's Enrico Colantoni.  Instead of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, I could totally ace 6 Degrees of Canadian TV.  It's not linear, it's a freaking spider web.  I'm up to at least 4 links between SG and Flashpoint, and 2 (minimum) between SG and Due South.
- Siler's helmet joke should have gotten a stink-eye from Selmak

- Sort of a bottle episode, with no clips.
- This would be, I guess, what started Sam down the road to dating the Third DeLuise Brother.  Which, as I recall, ended the way all her other boyfriends did.  Poor Sam.
- There's talk of cake.  - Cake?   - My idea.

- Jonas is back.  Looking younger again.  I think it's the longer hair and the polo shirts.
- Oh, geez.  Jonas' hair looks suspiciously Bieber-ish.  Very weird.

- Yep, here we go with the Other DeLuise brother.
- Sam humming the Stargate theme in the elevator.
- Quarks!
- He's not dead yet.
- How many dead(-ish) boyfriends does Sam have, anyway.  Narim, Martouf, Orlin. . . Have I forgotten anyone?

Heroes, Part 1
- Oh crap, this is the one where Janet dies.
- Peridot and Mary Steenbergen.  Snort.
- Artie, my Artie.  I miss Warehouse 13 something awful.
- Daniel's chase scene is great.
- Holy crap, it's Jayne!  i'd apparently forgotten all the cross-pollination between every Canadian and/or sci fi show ever made.
- "Doctor Jackson is gonna die when he sees this!"  "What, again?"  Snort.
- Ooopsie, floating evil shielded drone thingie.  Who's the red-shirt, Jayne, red-headed geek, or dad-to-be?
- Crap, it's that Utter Git, Kinsey, again.

Part 2
- Oh, crap
- Janet tweaking the guy with the line about Cassie being from another planet
- I remember now, the promo monkeys made it look like Jack was the casualty.

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