So, the rewatch is behind, and I've jumped back to catch some of the Season 1 episodes I missed.
- Hathor sitting in a tank of shrimp boil is hilarious
- Jack's "Crunches" line also
- Poor General Hammond, with that dopey infatuated look on his face. He had the right idea when he didn't want her to kiss his hand
- The Sam & Janet show was a kick. "Feel like a woman now?" and "Libidinous"
- Daniel donated some juice
- "Yeah, my career's over"
- Was that the only mention of Janet's ex?
- Reversed footage of Hathor coming out of the shrimp pot
Thor's Hammer
- Love the Vikings
- Poor Daniel, had to destroy the thing that could save Skaara and Sha're.
Fire & Water
- Teal'c, rockin' the hats
- Who's the woman Jack's telling the kiss story to???
- Ol' Doc Fraiser, standing up to the General about time off. Favorite tertiary/secondary character.
- Oops, broke the General's window.
- This your first broken bone? No . . . nine. If you count skull fractures.
- I was afraid you'd try to put a splint on it!
- Hey, it's Siler! AKA RDA's stunt double, and the stunt coordinator.
- It's my sidearm, I swear.
- Lightbulbs over heads!
- How did Hammond and the SGC folks get to McMurdo so fast? That's gotta be at least 12-18 hours on a plane.
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