Friday, May 1, 2015

SG-1, Season 6

Missed a few episodes..

6.16 Metamorphosis
- Jonas flirting!
- The Russian team still exists.
- Nirrti's back.  Ugh.  (O'Neill makes it sound more like "Nerdy")
- And that has to be one of the worst ways to die so far. 
- And there's that other shoe hitting the floor.
- Where do the Goa'uld get their wardrobe made?  Is there a planet of Jaffa sweatshops, taking measurements for tailored one-of-a-kind leather outfits?
- Goodbye, Evanoff.
- How the heck did Jonas end up in Nirrti's bed?  And did anything PG-13 happen off-screen?
- Hail, Dorothy!

6.17  Disclosure
- I miss General Hammond
- Clip show!!!
- Oh, crap.  That utter git Kinsey is back.
- Kinsey, you lousy rat bastard NID-loving toad.
- That blast door in the Gate Room really needs to drop faster. 
- Wish Thor had taken Jack's advice on where to leave Kinsey. 

6.18 Forsaken

- Bingo!  If that third survivor is who I think it is, I just won Canadian Actor Bingo, and my Canadian TV show family tree has looped back on itself, turning into a  Stargate - Due South - Flashpoint wreath. 
- I really don't remember ever seeing this one before.
- Yep.  David Paetku on Flashpoint and Stargate, Patrick McKenna on DS and SG, Jessica Steen on all three,. 
- And Unas!  Unasses? Unii?
- Or, not Unas.
- So, up to SG-15.
- Jonas gets kissed.
- And there's that other shoe again.  Prison transport.
- Aliens speak English.

6.19 The Changeling

- Hey, it's the fire station episode. 
- Very weird to see everyone acting "normal"
- Bra'tac!
- Daniel!!
- And Tritonin appears again! Yay.

6.20 Memento
- Nice triumphant music when the buried gate is lifted
- And here comes the APC, guns blazing.  Combustion engines?

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