Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another Tuesday, with a twist

(No jury duty for tomorrow!)

First, the twist: El Burrito woke up sometime around the uncivilized hour of 5:00 a.m. this morning. I'm not sure what time exactly, since I can't sleep in my contacts and was too tired to look at the clock anyway. So, after fussing and crying in our bed for a bit (or longer), we woke up enough to check his temp around 5:30-ish. Yeah, 100.5, thanks. Pass the kiddie ibuprofen and the syringe.

One call to the doctor's office in mid-breakfast, and they put us on the list to be there in half an hour. It's a 15 minute drive, and that's not counting getting out to the car. We were only 5 minutes late, in spite of my finishing breakfast and changing out of my jammies. It's not an ear infection, and it's probably not the strep he was exposed to 2 weeks back (courtesy of his grandpa). Probably viral, so just wait it out, keep dosing with ibuprofen/acetaminophen, and call if he's still feeling peaked on Friday.

So we came home for a bit, and then ventured back to the library. Because he asked all day yesterday about riding in mommy's car and going to the library for books, so there would have been a mutiny if he'd had to stay home and have lunch with Daddy.

Current library stats: 37 items out, 7 on the wait list. We checked out 7 books today, and returned7, if memory serves. Forgot the stinking DVD, though, that's just overdue enough to block my account. I'll have to drop it off later this week so I can renew everything else.

We returned
  • Snow Ponies
  • Names and Naming in Young Adult Literature
  • The Second Nine Months - reviewed earlier
  • 40 Digital Photography Techniques
  • Closeup Shooting: a guide to closeup, tabletop, and macro photography
  • No Way Home - I didn't get time to read past the intro of this one, and it felt like a downer of a book anyway. Maybe I'll try it again later.
  • A Ball, a Dog, and a Monkey: 1957 - the Space Race Begins - This one was very interesting. I'm interested in "space stuff" anyway, and getting a history of the space race was educational. Turns out, one of the first satellites the U.S. launched after Sputnik, called Vanguard I, is still in orbit 50 years later.
I did check out 7 more, so no net decrease, but they were all holds, nothing I browsed for on a whim. And one of those, the Vanna White crochet book, will probably be going right back to the library. For interesting reads, I've got the third book in Anne McCaffrey's Petaybee Twins series (Deluge), the autobiography of the Hillstrand brothers (the Time Bandit owners from Deadliest Catch), the Ed Begley Jr. book, and Bruce Campbell's second book.

We spent $2.50 at the book sale. El Burrito got the Sesame Street 1,2,3 Story book, and I got the collected Miss Marple short stories (50cents from the "missing dustjacket" cart) and a YA novel called Spirit Horse. And the little charmer got to see his book-sale buddy, the older lady who thinks he's awesome, and she had another book for him, the board-book version of Owen & Mzee: Best Friends.

The boy has admirers at his regular haunts - the book sale volunteer, the manager at the BBQ place, and the manager at Chevy's, who talked to him last night again. We went out for dinner before the microwave-shopping trip - the chicken flautas last night should have been served with a fire extinguisher!

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