Update 1 - Our picture was on the newspaper website yesterday. There was audio, too - I didn't have the nerve to listen to it last night (I don't like the way I sound on tape. Yes, I'm weird.), but my sister listened, and said I didn't sound too strange. :) I misunderstood a bit - they were doing a bit on why people vote, and needed a picture of someone with a kid. Luckily, I sounded coherent, but I could have done better if I'd been paying more attention (which is hard when you're also dealing with a toddler).
I'm not crazy about the picture, at least my part of it. I look waaaay too much like my mother, and my sister gave me grief about the barrette that was keeping my hair out of my face. El Burrito, on the other hand, looked like a little charmer. He shook hands with the photographer as we left, too. He actually says "shake shake" as he shakes, it's too cute.
Update 2 - Mom's surgery went fine this morning. I just hope it wasn't a mistake to only do one knee at a time. Sis & I think she may have been better off doing both knees and getting it over with, because if the recovery from this one has any problems, she'll be more apt to skip the second one.
El Burrito and I had lunch with the condo ladies today. He chowed down on a plate of macaroni & cheese, and impressed everyone with his fork-handling skills. He had to use a full-size fork, because I managed to drop his kiddie fork on the floor before he got to use it. He was also really excited about the jumbo crayon hanging on the wall at TGIFriday's.
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