So, the big thing for the weekend (yes, I have a boring life) was the orientation for the riding program.
It hadn't occurred to me until DH mentioned it as I walked out the door, but the program is mostly kids. Like, single-digit age kids. DH's last advice was "don't let it bother you if you're the oldest one there." Which I'm not, thank Gawd. In my class, if I got things right, there's me, a woman who's in her 50s maybe (I stink at estimating ages), and half a dozen kids between the ages of 8 and 11 or so. Heee. My hope of finding a few horsey friends is hereby shot down.
But, I found the stables, discovered that my boots are good for riding but not-so-good for driving the car, and got to meet a bunch of horses. The horses at the college are all donated, mostly by alumni. Quite a few Quarter Horses and Saddlebreds, a few TBs, on Miniature owned by a faculty member, a few warmbloods, one solid-colored Paint, and a Canadian Sport Horse (or Canadian Warmblood, I forget which).
Turns out we only ride for about an hour a day. So the routine will be: get to the stables by 5:30, groom and tack up, ride from 6 to 7, then untack and groom again. Should be fun. I hope.
The worst part, I think, will be getting the schedule rearranged so that DH will get to work 2 hours early on class days, so he can come home 2 hours early. The theory last night was that we'd be in bed by 11:00 (aka 2 or 3 hours earlier than our recent norm). Didn't happen. We went to his parents' last night for a birthday dinner - there's about one of those a month - and didn't leave there until almost 11:00. So we ended up in bed by 1:00 am again, partly because El Burrito is having issues with his crib. Doesn't like to sleep in it for some reason lately.
And, for family drama, one sister-in-law is having a rummage sale sometime soon. Mother-in-law has been invited to bring stuff, as has DH's sister. They were all talking about it yesterday, but no one asked me if we had stuff to bring, although the SIL in question was asking MIL and other SIL if they had things, while I was sitting there. Oh well. This would be the SIL that I don't really like that much anyway.
1 comment:
Yay! I'm so glad you're doing it!
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