I thought this weekend about signing up for another round - the "day camp" is this week, then there's another two-week session and another camp. However, it's freaking hot here now, and going to get hotter, which is why I wanted the first session. Also, DH took pics at Friday's lesson, in between wrangling the Burrito, and, well, I need to lose weight. That's not news, but looking at the pictures makes it look worse. Oy. I've gained 40 or 50 pounds in the past 15 years. And I can only blame about 15 of that on El Burrito.

Those pics are of me on a little QH mare named Katie, who I rode Friday. They prove that I slouch too much, I need to lose weight, and I get very red-faced when it's hot out. All things to work on.
And I do mean little when I talk about Katie - she's maybe 14 hands, at a guess. Her withers were about level with my shoulder. We did really really well together. I shortened my stirrups a couple of holes, and my posting was greatly improved. Katie and I got lots of compliments on how we looked. We did a lot of trotting Friday, enough that my foot cramped up for a minute. The end of the lesson was a course over some poles - two separate poles, a pole on the curve, then a straight line back to a pair of poles, then halt. Sarah and Tiffany both said we did great, so my confidence and ego got a good boost. :) I wish I'd gotten to ride her more. She had a nice trot - not as fast as Libby's power trot (a strange thing for a WP horse to have) but not the pokey kick-every-stride trot of Bergen or Sonny. The only real problem we had was that when I'd remember to take a better grip on the reins (instead of holding them too loosely), I usually forgot to also lengthen the rein and Katie would think I meant "slow down" when I was just trying not to drop the rein. We got that taken care of and were good to go. She didn't need a lot of leg or rein cues, which was great also.
DH and Burrito came to watch, since I didn't get to go to our demonstration that was scheduled for Saturday. DH took pics while wrangling El Burrito, and someone else brought a friend along who took pictures. El Burrito got to pet his first horse, and I took more pictures of some of the other horses after we were done.

You look great! And what a pretty little horse. I've got a soft spot for the little ones (maybe because I'm 5'1" and they fit me better).
I fail to see how needing to lose weight is a reason to stop riding. Maybe better not tell me, since I need to lose about 40 lbs and could stand to lose 60. Posting is awesome exercise, by the way.
I'm glad you did it! Aren't you?
I'm very glad I did it (DH asked if I was glad he made me sign up). I wish it had lasted longer, I wish they did lessons other than during the summer, and I wish the heat didn't put the whammy on me like it does.
Which is why I'd like to lose some weight before going another round. DH's heat tolerance changed a lot when he lost 30 pounds (which he's gained back), and I think it would help me. And, I can't help it, I just have this knee-jerk thought every time I see those pics of me, that geez I look more blob-like than a pair of women 20 years older than me.
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