Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some progress

So, has there been progress this week? Some, but nothing that is eye-catchingly visible.

  • We put the recycling out yesterday. 22 pounds of paper, magazines, catalogs, etc. Yes, I weighed it on the scale. It's part of that "visible progress" thing.
  • I've been offering things on Freecycle, mostly magazines (after checking Ebay to make sure I don't have something worth selling). So far, no one's wanting anything I've offered, but it makes me feel better to at least check before I toss it in the recycling. Just chucking it makes me feel irresponsible for some reason. But at this rate, next week's paper recycling may top yesterday's 22 pounds.
  • I've got a stack of magazines to send off to my sister. I'm getting Body & Soul free, and sending them on to her after I'm done.
  • We went to the library today. Returned 4 books, checked out 3, for a net gain. One of the three was the Existential Joss Whedon (for the Firefly fan in me), one was Last Man on the Moon. That brings the total to 27 items checked out for myself and El Burrito, and 7 on my waiting list. The list for Shopaholic & Baby is down to 13 ahead of me.
  • Only spent $2 at the library sale. El Burrito grinned for the ladies who run the sale, and demonstrated his new clapping skills for them. He's got quite the fan club.
  • I remembered to run the dishwasher this morning.
  • I also remembered to wash the last load of laundry, one that didn't make it yesterday.
  • I have pillows in the washer right now. They may be dry by bedtime.
  • Made a sale on Ebay yesterday. I'm still wondering why someone would pay $5.50 for a $7 coupon, but I'm not complaining. I buy a few coupons on Ebay, mostly formula checks for El Burrito, but I stop bidding at 1/3 of the face value.
  • Said Ebay sale is packed up and ready to mail.
  • I think I saw a "new" fish in the tank a few minutes ago. It's one of the joys of livebearers. They've slowed down the reproduction rate lately, and I've currently got 6 platies (possibly 7). For a while last year, I had upwards of 30.
  • Wrote checks to pay some bills last night. They were supposed to be mailed on the way back from the library today, but I forgot to take them along. They'll just have to go out tomorrow.
  • I remembered to change the time on the answering machine, cell phone, and my car.
  • All of yesterday's laundry is folded and put away. Including El Burrito's, which is something of an accomplishment.
  • And we put away the clothes that El Burrito has outgrown. That made room in his dresser, which is why his clean laundry is put away already.
We got to watch some interesting goings-on yesterday. I was folding laundry in the bedroom (which overlooks our parking space), with El Burrito supervising, when we saw an ambulance drive by. Now, that's not out of the ordinary, since this complex has a significant population of elderly-ish people. But this time, the ambulance drove past our building, then backed up and parked in the spot next to ours. I was worried, as our downstairs neighbor is 80+ and not in the best of physical health, so I kept an eye out as I folded. But, instead of going in to check on someone, they got out and were looking down the hill. They left the engine running, which ruined any chance of overhearing anything useful. Then I saw a police car drive down the hill, and another one. And another one. Interesting, right? A few minutes later, we heard a cop on the loudspeaker, asking Mike Gobbledygook from 25xx to come out. After a few rounds of that, they were asking anyone in that unit to come out. I don't think anyone ever came out, because after about ten minutes the paramedics packed up and left. And a few minutes later, a string of five, or possibly six, police cars left - three city, two county.

No clue what was going on, unless there's something in tonight's paper. I did see a few neighbors standing around chatting after everything was over. Tomorrow's the monthly condo lunch, so if my Mom doesn't come to visit my aunt at the hospital, El Burrito and I will have to go to the lunch, try out the new Bennigan's, and see what sort of scoop we come home with.

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