This is a view of the coast line from the top of Hook Head Lighthouse, on the southern coast of Ireland. This was an interesting place. The Hook Head lighthouse is very old - established in 1172, it was originally a coal-powered lighthouse run by monks. The "light" in the early days was a bonfire, basically. As I recall, for a while it was lit by a coal fire; the coal was brought over from Wales by boat, then the monks carried it up the lighthouse stairs in bags. The tour was great, we got to go out on the catwalk to look around. I took a lot of pictures, and need to see if I can make a panorama shot out of them. They were testing the foghorn while we were there, and before every foghorn blast they would set off a siren and strobe light to warn us about the foghorn. The warning siren was probably louder than the foghorn itself, so it was kind of funny.
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