Right now, I should probably be digging through the closet for boxes to ship the Ebay sales in. But El Burrito is asleep in his crib, which is next to the box closet, and I'd rather not wake him. He didn't take his normal nap last night (the 8pm-midnight "nap") so he's off schedule today. It wasn't for lack of trying on our part, and he was half-asleep during the evening bottle, so I was a bit shocked when he spent the better part of three hours laying wide awake in the crib.
So I'm digging through my email (only 1,646 emails sitting in my Yahoo account), reading a new blog I found called How I Am Becoming an Astronaut and basically just puttering a bit. I do have the two sold books set up as far as shipping - one's in a bubble mailer, the other is getting a box since it's going all the way to East Sussex in the UK. There will be a big trip to the post office tomorrow. I've also got boxes in mind for at least two of the four other things, I just need to see if I have any of the large Priority boxes left or if I need to run to the PO and get a couple.
I love having a PO branch at the mall that's practically next door. Convenient, lots of free parking, and they have later hours than the main PO downtown. After I mail a big stack of boxes at the PO, we have to trek up to the Hallmark store for cards (I don't buy many cards, or we'd be strictly 2/$1 cards at Deal$ people). Two birthdays next month, plus my parents' anniversary this week. And, if they made a card for the occasion, my Dad would get one. He's retiring in July (probably); he's the transportation director & bus mechanic at the school district I graduated from, and had his last bus inspection this month. 100% pass rate again, of course, but it's a big stress-party for the two weeks before inspection, and he's glad that it's over with. But I don't think Hallmark has a Happy Inspection card, so we may just get a piece of paper and make one. El Burrito can't write yet, but I could forge his artwork I bet. :)
In a week or so, we'll be going to visit my parents, for Dad's birthday. While we're there, we'll take a little trip to the outlet mall not far away. It's got Carters', Baby Gap, and Children's Place outlets, and we need to do a bit of shopping. El Burrito is one growth spurt away from being too long for the 9-month sleepers, and when I looked at his side of the closet, I discovered we only have one 12-month sleeper. Uh oh. Hopefully Carters will be having some sort of sale while we're there. I'm hoping for more of their Rubber Duckie line, but it's not on their website anymore. I may have to hit Ebay instead. El Burrito has had a blue duckie sleeper since he was born - three so far. Like this one, but now we need a bigger one. Found the first one at a church rummage sale (we were late - it was $1 a bag!), got the next size at Carters on clearance, and had to buy the most recent one on Ebay.
And if I happen to stop by the bookstore while we're there, it wouldn't be a bad thing, right?
El Burrito has a new "trick" too. Two, actually. He's starting to pull himself up on the crib sides, and he surprised DH last night by reaching up for him. That's something he just started this week. I don't keep up on whether he's "early" or "late" with a lot of this stuff - I've got enough self-inflicted guilt as it is - but I'd guess that he hasn't done this sooner because he hasn't needed to. Or so I choose to believe. (I'm sure if he's "late" with this, Least-Favorite SIL will let me know. She's good at that.)
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