After sitting on the hold list for a couple of books forEVER, I'm running a little test. The library seems to have a bog-down somewhere in the cataloging and processing part of the system, since we can sit on the hold list for weeks, for a book that's sitting on the shelves at B&N or the local indie bookstore.
1. I put a hold on the Elon Musk bio on November 19th, I think. Book released to stores November 27th. I was first on the hold list, and just got the pickup notice today. That's 3 weeks, plus 3 days.
2. Just ordered 2 more books, one released last April, one in 2015. One is The Never-Ending Present: The Story of Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip (2018), the other is The Cassini-Huygens Visit to Saturn: An Historic Mission to the Ringed Planet (2015) I would be able to order either of these online from a dozen sites and have them inside a week. Could maybe walk into Barnes & Noble and find the Hip book in the store, depending. (More likely in a Canadian store, for sure.)
Assuming the library orders either of them, I'll automatically be put on the hold list for them. Now it's just time to wait and see how long it takes.
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