Well, El Burrito ends up with 2 bigger (1/16th scale) tractors, but no big trailers to pull with them. Which leads to scenes like this one:

One big tractor pulling a small (1/64th scale) flatbed trailer, hay wagon, and feed wagon. At the same time. :) That's Tractor Mac, by the way. The other "big tractor" is Deke (even though the "real" Deke in the book is green). And yes, the Burrito can tell them apart, although the only differences are the decals and hub color, and will correct us when we call them by the wrong name. "That's not Tractor Mac! That's Deke!" he says.
Then UPS delivers a box of small goodies today

and someone votes to skip lunch and play! (He got out-voted on that one.) Lots of duplicates - 8 hay rakes, 5 cultivators, and 4 balers is a few too many - but lots of fun. And I can probably resell some of the duplicates and pay for at least part of what this batch cost. Which was a steal, by the way, as was Tractor Mac up there. Mac cost a whopping $5 from Ebay. In contrast, there was a very similar tractor at the flea market this month, in much worse shape, for the low, low price of $22.50. Plus tax. The batch of 1/64th stuff was $18 including postage, and made it here super-fast - it was shipped out yesterday. That's less than $1 per piece, and they're all in good shape except for the silage choppers.
Anyway, today we had scenes like this one on the couch:

Grandpa will get a kick out of this one. El Burrito apparently has a lot of faith in the little Farmall there. It's pulling not one, but three disk cultivators, plus a hay mower, a grain wagon, and a tub grinder (or bale chopper, I'm not sure what it's called).
Then we added another cultivator, and rearranged the lineup:

Needless to say, I'm on the hunt now for some bigger wagons and such at a decent price. Aside from the goofy appearance of a big tractor and little trailer, the little stuff won't stay hitched to the big tractor that well. So a few bigger implements will lower the frustration level around here. Plus, more fun!
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