Friday, June 20, 2008

Not much to say

Not much to say at the moment. It's a boring sort of day.

El Burrito and I have been watching the work crew outside. We can sit on the bed and watch them paving the parking lot out front. El Burrito has gotten a kick out of seeing dump trucks and Bobcats. I worked on some crocheting while he watched.

We got a letter from the condo association today, with a nice special assessment. Seems the snow removal went waaayy over budget this past winter, so they're covering part of it with an assessment. And I do mean way over budget - budget was $14,000, and they went $35,xxx over that. 'Scuse me while I boggle at that. Sure, we had a snowy winter, but geez. I wonder if we pay the snow guys by the hour, because it seemed like they were here a lot, driving around in an inch of snow with the plows up instead of down. Apparently there will be a special meeting to discuss how to handle things this winter. I may go, or write a letter, since the special meeting has a strict agenda. I don't have a lot to say about the snow, but I do have some opinions about how the landscaping guys deal with "pruning" the shrubs. And yes, those quote marks are there for a reason, since I have a pretty low opinion of their "pruning" methods. Our forsythia looks like total crap, and they need to work on things like dividing the hostas & irises.

UPS delivered my new Levis today. They're supposedly the same size and similar cut (boot instead of tapered) as the pair I'm in love with, but they definitely don't fit the same. I blame the 2% spandex idea for most of the differences.

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