Today's pre-nap time: 1 hour, 35 minutes of discomfort (*) before El Burrito finally fell asleep. Plus 10 minutes beforehand for diaper-changing and tracking down the 20+ cars that he takes in with him. Sigh. The part that really steams me is that after the last time I told him to lay down, it took a bare 5 minutes before he conked out. Now WHY didn't he do that, oh, an hour earlier?
(*) Because I end up laying (lying?) on the floor, with my elbows digging in to our cheap carpet, trying to read. Sitting up just inspires El B to sit up as well, which is counterproductive.
I'm ready to run off and join the circus, please.
Other than going to see a movie last weekend, I've had practically no time away from El Burrito lately. In fact, my quarterly dental visits are possibly the only "away" time I get on a regular basis. Sure, he takes a nap (and I'm very afraid that he's getting ready to give up the nap idea), but it's not like I can actually, you know, go anywhere farther than the mailbox while he's asleep.
Speaking of alone time, the summer riding program starts in a week, and I'm still not sure if I'll be able to go. It all depends on how flexible DH's schedule is next month, and I'm not convinced that Mr. 9 am - 6:30 pm Workaholic will be able to be home by 5 every day for a week. (He's never home at the same time two days in a row. My mother is still telling me occasionally that I should have dinner ready when he gets home. Short of developing precognition so I can know what time he'll be home, it ain't happening. Plus, that never happened while I was growing up, so what's Mom thinking????)
Also, my parents seem to be under the impression that money issues are why we haven't looked at houses lately (i.e. in the past five freaking years). Dad's asked if I'll have to get a job after we buy a house, and offered the advice that getting a job after El Burrito is in school would make me feel better. (He's probably right, and I'm still amazed that he came up with it. Dad's not the most touchy-feely guy.)
No, folks, the reason we haven't been house hunting is that we're tired, unmotivated, inertia-prone slackers. We stay up later than we should, and tend to spend our evenings in front of the TV. It doesn't help that we have to eat dinner on the couch, since the dining table was sold to make room for a crib. And once we hit the couch, we seem to stay there. We can't seem to get up and around before noon on the weekends no matter how early the alarm sounds, and we accomplished squat-all over the 4-day Memorial weekend. We've been without a microwave for about a month now, because we can't get organized enough to a) shop for one and b) get things moved around enough to enable the delivery of said microwave and the accompanying stove that DH wants to get. And now he's thinking of adding a new dishwasher, because most of the appliances here are 20+ years old and reaching their retirement age.
Enough griping. El Burrito will wake up soon, and I've got stuff that needs to be done, preferably without his "help."
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