Monday, December 3, 2007


So I had some ideas about what to blather on about here today.

But then someone decided that he wasn't in the mood for a nap today. After he sat in his crib for almost 90 minutes, I gave up hoping and went in to get him. No shower for me until later, and no possibly-interesting blog post, either. I'll be lucky now if the laundry gets done, and the living room looks like a toddler-tornado went through town.

I did manage to accomplish one thing over the weekend. About 90% of that never-ending basket of "miscellaneous" laundry got put away. Of course, in the past few weeks it had grown into about 3 baskets, mostly of El Burrito's stuff, but it's more under control now. And I found my winter hat and gloves.

And we went to a Christmas-tree lighting on Friday, but more on that later.

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