This feels like a wasted day. My main accomplishments are: reading many, many, many books to El Burrito, cleaning up the meat that leaked in the fridge, and taking a shower.
In other words, the dishwasher is full of dirty dishes and I don't have a clue on dinner, which means sandwiches. Again. And we have to eat early, since DH has a checkup tomorrow, which means bloodwork, which means no food after 8 or so (we eat late). Plus, I haven't ordered the 2 gifts that I meant to. Crap.
Speaking of which, his doctor brought up the idea of prescribing Byetta last time (DH has Type 2 diabetes), and he'll probably going to want DH to start it now. I'm really not crazy about the idea, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the needles, maybe it's just the not-so-logical thought that I (and DH) should/could have done something to "fix" it - being more strict on the diet, more exercise, cooking better, whatever. It just makes me feel like I've failed at something, illogical as that may be.
(Like there aren't enough things I already feel like I've failed at - my weight, socializing El Burrito, the whole "job" thing. Just to name a few.)
Oh, and my hair and I? Not getting along well these days. No matter what I do, it seems to look scruffy, and the bangs are always in my eyes. Which means, of course, that it's time for Xmas pictures. As in family pictures. Humph.
Like the normal holiday stress wasn't enough, now I've got all this. And, the topper, the chance of a lovely ice/freezing rain/snow storm tonight. Joy.
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