The Young Man had a big night last night. Sometime between 10:20 and 10:45 (I know because Dresden Files was on, and yes, he keeps late hours. Hush.), he sat up by himself in his crib, with witnesses, twice!! And the second time, I got it on tape!! (Okay, not "tape" exactly, since I can't find the two blank tapes for the camcorder, but I was using the new digital camera that can take movies, so there's visual evidence.) We're pretty sure he hasn't done this before, or if he has, he hasn't stayed sitting up until we were around. Looks like his method so far is to scoot backwards on his hands and knees until his feet hit the side of the crib, then keep scooting back until he can get his feet under him. I think he was trying to do it on the bed today, but with nothing to run into, it doesn't work as well.
Of course, he followed that up about an hour later with a Poop Situation. The kind where you just stop and say "oooooh. my. gawwwwd., where do I start?" It didn't help that I was in the middle of an allergy attack, with strings of sneezes by the half-dozen. El Burrito was sitting in his basket and we were trying to catch up with the daily paper, when I noticed him poking at something on his leg. I nudged DH, who was closer to him, thinking it might be one of the annoying ants that are wandering around. DH leaned over and said something like "Uh oh." "Uh oh?" says I (original, no?). The thing on his leg was poop. Oh joy, a blowout. So DH picks him up, carefully, leaving a mess in the basket, and we head off to the bedroom to deal with the Situation. People, there was poop everywhere. It had oozed up the front of the diaper (but not the back) and out both legs. It was scattered from his knees to his armpits. There was even poop in El Burrito's belly button. (Yes, at that point, I had to laugh, in between sneezes. It was that or gag.)
Needless to say, the boy had a bath at around midnight last night. Which is why the laundry didn't get folded, the sheets didn't get fully changed, and I didn't get in bed until almost 3 freaking a.m. Yes. I'm tired. It was a Perfect Poop Storm: teething + a weekend of bottled water at Grandma's + prunes for lunch (because he doesn't eat as much when he's visiting) = Oh Boy.
In other news: my car is at the body shop for the third time. At least this time it's not the bumper. Thanks to two small accidents, my 8 year old car is on its third bumper already. This time, it's a nice dent in the side, from being backed into in the library parking lot about a month ago. Too bad the woman didn't back into the other side; that's where most of the bad cart dings are, and while I'm not vain enough to get them fixed for cosmetic reasons, it would have been a nice perk if they happened to get fixed while the dent was getting repainted.
Allergy season has hit full force, starting at around 9:00 last night. I've been taking generic Claritin for about two weeks now, but things are still bad. I could always call my dermatologist and beg him to renew my Zyrtec Rx, but he never did anything when the pharmacy called him last year, and I'd bet that the worst of things will be over in a week or so (I hope), so I may as well tough it out and see how things go. But if you sneeze so much that you get a (little) nosebleed, it's bad. I don't know what it is that's blooming or pollinating or otherwise spawning, but it's making me freaking miserable and I'm ready for it to stop, thanks very much.
I can only hope it doesn't get as bad as it did two summers ago (or three, I can't remember). Even with the Claritin, my left eye would occasionally, with no warning, go "floom" and puff up until it looked like I'd walked into a door. Lovely itching until I had to take my contact lens out and walk around with one usable eye. That eye could go from normal to Eek in about ten minutes. I ended up with a prescription for something called Patanol from my optometrist. Folks, you know it's going to be bad when the doctor gives you the Rx, plus a rebate form for $25. A tiny bottle, about 1 fluid ounce, of this stuff, was something like $50. I almost fell over when I looked at the pharmacy receipt. But, at four drops a day, a bottle lasted about six weeks, and the stuff worked. I need to go see if I've got any left. I also need to find out (not by self-testing!) what would happen if I took 2 Claritin a day. If this keeps up, I'll be that desperate.
And, since it's Tuesday, El Burrito and I did go to the library and book sale. Nothing for El Burrito today, unless you count a copy of What to Expect - the toddler years, but I got a bio of Tesla and an autobiography of Madeleine L'Engle. And El Burrito got compliments on his manners from the book sale cashier. He also got a "thank you" from me, for not being that little girl pitching a screaming hissyfit at Target.
FWIW, my doctor told me they're authorized to prescribe up to 10 Claritin in a 24-hour period with no ill-effects.
Then the pharmacist told me more isn't necessarily more effective.
So make of that what you will.
Blowouts suck. One of the very bestest things about diapering in cloth is that they almost never happen.
Carters makes sleepers in bigger than 9M size. The Little Dude has a couple right now in 18M size -- I can't remember if they have the rubber feet in them, though.
The allergies are better today. Don't know why, other than having the doors shut because it's so flipping cold this week. I put in fresh contacts today, too. The pair I was wearing were about 10 weeks old, and I usually change every two months. That probably helped.
El Burrito has only had two blowouts so far (knock wood). We're using the Pampers Cruisers - more expensive than the Pampers Baby Dry, but a) elasticy waist and b) he doesn't start crying the minute the diaper's wet, which he did with the Baby Drys.
Carters was very skimpy on 12M stuff overall, but they had no snap-leg sleepers in anything bigger than 9M. We ended up with a couple of the zip-front rubber footed ones, and a couple of the pants/shirt pajamas. I really like the snap-leg stuff, but then again, I'm realizing that after the last diaper change before bed, he's usually asleep for a good 6 hours or more, so it's not like we're changing that many diapers in the night. The 2-piece or zip-fronts will probably work fine after I get used to the switch. And, bonus, I'll have more incentive to not let him bum around in his jammies all day. :)
And yes, I have environmental guilt over the disposable diapers. But I also realize that cloth would cause problems with our lousy floor plan, and that I'm not organized enough to make sure that the diapers were all washed in a timely fashion. I'll do penance later - the minute we have a house of any sort, I'm starting a compost pile, among other things.
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