Would you believe, they're outside mowing the grass again? Barely a week since the last time, but we've had lots of rain and warm weather, so the grass is happy. (Which makes my dad happy - more grass means fat happy cattle, less time feeding hay, and hopefully more hay for next year.)
Proof of Missouri's weather weirdness: right now, it's about 80 degrees outside. Weather report for Thursday night? 34 degrees, and frost. Guess who'll be moving houseplants back inside Thursday?
El Burrito is asleep right now, after being awake for about 2 hours this morning. He's recovering from a hard weekend visiting his grandparents (my folks). No napping there, since there was exciting stuff going on, so he's sleeping off a killer case of grandma-itis right now. I'm dealing with laundry, including a double load for El Burrito, since we're washing his next-size-up clothes that will probably fit him now, if not in a week or so.
The weekend trip (actually, about 30 hours) was pretty nice. Except for the nasty headache I had the whole time, with no ibuprofen in sight (my purse container was empty, and acetaminophen does squat for me). And the fact that my mother's cooking is an all-or-nothing thing lately. Either a table full of food for 4 people, or leftover Little Caesar's pizza (which we had Sunday, not that great). El Burrito got to pet Grandpa's bottle calf, and one of the beagles, and sit on Grandpa's tractor with him (not running) for a picture. It's my Dad's old Farmall M, built the year Dad was born. It's a cute picture. And we took my dad out for dinner, since today's his birthday and he's impossible to buy a gift for. He said no gift, so we took him to Cracker Barrel.
DH and I made a quick trip (quicker than I'd planned!) trip to the outlet mall. El Burrito needs more sleepers in a bigger size, so we went to Carters, Baby Gap Outlet, and Childrens Place Outlet. Now, why didn't anyone tell me that those adorable sleepers that Carters makes don't come in any size bigger than 9M?? Gripes me, let me tell you. I was all set to get the boy some more cute sleepers, but no dice. Our choices were the rubber-footed sleepers that zip down the front and one leg, or the 2-piece jammies. I'm not fond of rubber stuff in the laundry, because it tends to do badly in the dryer and I get tired of picking dried rubber bits out of the lint trap. But we got a couple of each, to see which does best for us. We did find some cute ones, but it looks like my search for the 12M duckie sleeper is a lost cause. :(
El Burrito made out pretty good as far as clothes. He's got fleece zip-up jammies for next fall, $4 each at Carters, plus a couple of bodysuits, two Baby Gap rompers to use as jammies, and a lovely red corduroy shirt that I hope fits him for Christmas. It's a size 24 months, and he'll only be about 18 months in December, but for $2.79 I thought it was worth the gamble. He also got summer jammies with sharks, space ships, and a few other designs. We'll see what works, although if the shirts on the 2-piece PJs ride up, we may just let him sleep in pants and a bodysuit.
On the other hand, I didn't get to do any shopping for me at all. We left for the outlet mall at 3:30, and DH says - after we get in the car - that he'd like to be back around 6:30. It takes about 45 minutes to drive to the mall (22 miles), so that just gave us 90 minutes to shop. Part of that was spent walking around - it's a big mall, and I wanted to go to the Oneida store, but it moved recently and the mall updates their maps about every other blue moon. In the end, we just went to Carters, Gap, and Childrens Place. No book stores, no Oneida.
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