Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February Prime Reads

Prime Reads for February

  1. Contemporary Fiction - In An Instant - Dead teen's ghost lingers with her family
  2. Psychological suspense - The Silence
  3. Memoir - A Drop of Midnight - Not interested in the hip-hop artist, so meh
  4. Thriller - A Killer's Wife - meh
  5. Historical Fiction - This Terrible Beauty- Post WWII
  6. Mystery - Hide Away - Called a "thriller" in the subtitle
  7. Fantasy - The Killing Fog
  8. Picture Book - World So Wide

So.  Once again, not a big thriller/psych suspense fan, and picture books don't do well as e-books for me.   That knocks 4 off the possiblilites.  The memoir by someone I've never heard of doesn't sound interesting, neither does the fantasy or the contemporary fiction.  Hist Fict is the most interesting one, and even it isn't high on my list.  Oh well.

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