Monday, March 25, 2019

Book jackpot

I worked on my project of putting clear Mylar covers on the more-fragile dust jackets I've got, over the weekend.  That included my set of the Wrinkle in Time trilogy, which I finally found in hardback, with matching jackets.  And as I was covering things, I noticed this:

Knock me over with a feather! That looks like a legit signature, based on the E and the g. 

That gives me, at rough count, one signed L'Engle, 1 Beverly Cleary, 2 Anne McCaffrey books (thanks to winning a trivia contest and having a friend with a sister who took her to conferences), three Marguerite Henry books, plus Tamora Pierce and multiple Doranna Durgin books.  That would be the kid-book Holy Trinity and a fantasy Trinity.

1 comment:

Pedro Lopes said...
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