Friday, September 26, 2008

Renaissance Festival 2008

Warning: Lots of pictures ahead.

Our RenFest trip in pictures, 2008.

We left at a decent hour (8:30) and were in the Festival grounds by 11:30. (We were delayed by a pit stop at Feldman's Farm & Home, which I like to call "the last indoor plumbing for 500 years" - although there are flush privies at the Festival.

We started off with a music performance by Tullamore, a Celtic band from Kansas City. We've managed to see at least one of their shows every year that they've been at RenFest.

We spectated a while at the elephant and camel rides, since El Burrito is on a bit of an elephant kick.

He saw the elephant eat a whole watermelon!

We saw an awesome water feature for sale; only $7900.00, but someone put a lot of work into it.

Elephant sitting in one corner.
Very large dragon in the other corner. Didn't get a pic of the smaller dragon.

And a wicked-cool lion fish in the fourth corner.

El Burrito got to run around in the petting zoo area. He wasn't interested in much petting, but he liked the running around part. It was fenced, and not much poop to worry about, luckily. Mostly sheep, a goat, 2 pigs, and a pair of llamas. It's a hoot to hear El B. try to say "mama llama."

Then we watched the bird display, presented by the World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis.

This is a Harris hawk, native to the southwest.

A lovely juvenile female peregrine falcon, so new to the sanctuary that she didn't have a name yet and didn't get to swoop over the audience.

A barn owl, who did get to do some flying, but I wasn't fast enough to get pictures of it.

The bataleur eagle, native to sub-Saharan Africa.

The hooded vulture, also from Africa.

He also got to do some flying maneuvers.

And last, but not least, Twig the screech owl. I somehow didn't prep any pics of the raven for the blog. Can't remember his name, but he would take the donations and stick them in the donation box. Talented.

There was a stage show before the birds, and El Burrito still remembers the dragon. I forgot to take a picture of that, though.

And El Burrito fell asleep while we made our last privy stop before heading out.

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