Monday, March 24, 2008

Another busy weekend

Busy weekend, since we went out of town. I went to a hobby get-together on Saturday, and we left El Burrito with my parents for the weekend. He had a great time, and was indulged quite a bit. He got to pet a baby calf, sit on the tractors, ride in Grandpa's Truck, learned how to honk the horn, and my sister called all the way from Detroit just so she could teach him to say "goober." :) Since our last visit, he's been crazy about Grandpa's Truck, and wants to see pictures of it every day. Now that he's gotten to ride in the trucks, he'll be even more crazy. Every time he turned around Sunday, he wanted to go ride in the truck. I took more pictures of the trucks and tractors, because I was getting a little tired of looking at the same four pictures over and over again.

I feel a little guilty, we didn't buy him anything for Easter. Grandma did, though - a little candy, 3 stuffed animals, a couple of toys. He got to hunt eggs at church Sunday, too. We may boil a few eggs and dye them this week, after things get unpacked from the trip. I'm not sure how much he'd get out of it, but we'll see. (He was the only kid at the egg hunt who didn't grab the candy and snarf it down, apparently. Not that I'm sorry about that, but whatever.)

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