- I ordered a power filter for the aquarium today. The current one wasn't working when I fed the fish this morning, and did the same thing last Friday. It started working after I unplugged it and plugged it back in, but I thought I'd be prepared. I ordered from PetSmart online - better prices than Petco.com or the local Petco. I upgraded to the next-biggest filter, which is rated for a 20-30 gallon tank. Right now, the tank is 20 gallons and I'm using the 10-20 gallon filter. The bigger filter cost $2 more, and I'm hoping that the increased water flow will help keep the nitrates/nitrites controlled until I can re-home El Squiggo. And I paid an extra $4 to speed up the shipping, because it would be pointless to buy online if the other filter dies permanently tomorrow and I have to go to Petco anyway.
- Then I waffled for a while before succumbing to Woot's deal of the day - Sansa m240 MP3 players for $10 each. I got DH one for Father's Day last year, and he likes it, although he hasn't been using it lately as much. So I bought 2 today, one silver and one pink. With the FM tuner, I can keep one in the car or my purse, or in an emergency kit, as we have no other battery-powered radio.
- We changed humidifiers over the weekend, from a Holmes to a Relion. The Holmes was good, although filters were pricy and it was a pain to clean. Whoever thought a toothbrush would dent the water deposits on the heating element were delusional. However, my screwdriver method, while effective on the deposits, had a side effect. Yeah, the heating element didn't do too well after being chiseled at. So we're trying out the ReliOn that we got as a baby shower gift. On the up side, the filter only has to be replaced every season (assuming you only use it in the winter, and assuming further that the manual was written by someone with a clue).
- We put a compact florescent bulb in the other track light fixture. And this time, I'm keeping track of when we put the bulb in and how long it lasts. I'm not tracking it to the hour, but I'd estimate those lights are on 8 hours a day or so (because the lighting in this place is crap). If these bulbs burn out in a month or so, I will be going through the replacement/refund procedure.
It was a great show. Bagpipes, drums, the Highland Sword Dance, a military band with horns, woodwinds, and some strings, a "musical tribute" to the United States, all sorts of fun. Where else can you hear "When the Saints go Marching In" played by a military band with bagpipes? The band did some impressive marching maneuvers on stage, considering that the stage was only 20 steps wide and about 20 steps long. They were mostly restricted to marching back and forth, with some half-circles thrown in for variety. I'm sure that on a full field, they could make some impressive figures. Other neat parts - big furry bearskin hats, the drummers twirling their drumsticks, kilts, leopardskin on the bass drum.
The dancers, kilts and all, were selling programs in the lobby before the show, and the whole group wandered through the audience at intermission. I wish I'd taken a picture in the lobby, just for a memento. They were selling a few souvenirs (we bought the CD) and taking donations for a support fund - their units are deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq right now, and the fund is for the widows/widowers/survivors. (The Dragoons are the only cavalry in the Scottish army, although they drive tanks instead of horses now.)
In short, it was an awesome show. If they're in your area, you should take a chance.
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