El Burrito is spending the weekend with his grandparents. They actually drove up to get him yesterday afternoon, so I spent the day packing what he'd need for a 3-day sleepover. I remembered the meds, since he is coming down with a cold along with the teething - the runny nose and probable sore throat is more than just teething. I managed to forget the extra-layer bodysuits, though, so hopefully he won't need them. Mom called this morning with a report. They stopped off at an aunt's on the way home and El Burrito had fun. Until they had to leave Aunt's toy cars behind, that is. I suspect he'll get toy cars for Christmas. He's been on a car kick lately anyway, although I've got no clue where he got it from.
So we had a quiet night. Well, aside from DH having a 5-second "eek" when he woke up in the middle of the night and thought El Burrito was being awfully quiet. :)
I took the opportunity to do things I couldn't do easily with El Burrito around. First was calling the medical group that I haven't been to in a few years (since my last PCP went AWOL with no explanation) and beg an appointment for today. The doctor confirmed that the Nasty Zit from H@## on my back is, indeed, a boil; probably staph, possibly MRSA. She lanced it and took a culture, so we'll know for sure next week. No surprise if it is MRSA - El Burrito had a mild MRSA infection before he was a week old; either he picked it up at the hospital or we were already carriers. And I suspect that the three Big Nasty Infected Hairs this summer were also staph. So now I've got a bag with $85 worth of medicine to clear things up, and instructions to pay strict attention to handwashing and not reuse bath towels for a while.
After that lovely fun, I returned a few things for refunds, hit the Halloween clearance at Walgreens, bought two balls of beautiful wool yarn on clearance at JoAnn Fabrics, and traded some books in at the used-book store. Now I just need a way to keep from buying the same book twice. It's only a problem when I pay full price for both of them, which thankfully doesn't happen often. I do wish the store would give an itemized receipt of some sort, though. It would help to know if I got anywhere close to breaking even on what they accepted.
There was a drawback to the book swap. Usually I come home with fewer books than I took. This time, not so much. They only took part of what I offered, which is fine with me. But I also hit the mother lode in the Trek section - the first 15 or so volumes of Best of Trek, and all but one in lovely shape for books from the 1970s and 80s. Also found a Dorothy Lyons horse book, hardback and in great shape, for the insanely cheap price of $1.50. Now if I could only find a decent copy of Harlequin Hullabaloo, which I don't see happening anytime soon. The other used book store in town has a copy, but it's got a severe mildew problem and they still want $10 or so for it. That's probably why it's been on their shelf for the past 4 years (I'll swear it's the same copy, based on the mildew design on the cover.)
So, on to the Trick or Treat pictures.

Our Halloween decorations, featuring the El Burrito jack-o-lantern. It's a painted craft pumpkin, with the same teeth as Burrito. Almost - I need to add the newest tooth.

The free picture from the grocery store's Halloween Walk.

Showing off the teeth at Grandma's house.

Hot on the trail! Boy's gonna be a powerwalker when he gets bigger. The grocery store had Goblin Stations set up around the store, with costumed employees handing out goodies. For the first half, the Burrito would see the next station and make a beeline for it. He wasn't afraid of any of the characters, which I'm happy about. He would take the candy from the tray and put it in his treat bag, and waved at everyone.

The Walk only took about 15 minutes, and the candy haul was acceptable. A granola bar, apple, juice pouch, gummi fruit, and 8 mini candy bars. I think that's about the right amount. It's more than he needs (or will get to eat), but not enough that Horrible Things would happen if he ate it all at once.
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