Pretty much sums up my week. Nothing exciting, really.
Digging through a mountain of miscellaneous papers and other stuff, currently living in two big Sterilite tubs. Finally getting the Eudora-to-Thunderbird switch cleaned up.
Tomorrow will be busy. The library's fall book sale starts at 9 am sharp, and we have to have lunch and leave for the in-laws' by noon. Actually, probably 11:30 since we need to drop the Burrito off at his auntie's for the afternoon, while we see a play at the Arrow Rock Lyceum with DH's parents, one brother, and 3 nieces. Which means I'll have 90 minutes at the sale, tops. Sigh. We'll have to get up early to get there in time for a parking spot - the library remodel a few years ago didn't help the parking lot at all - and to see if anything's left after the used-book-store fellow shops.
(This guy puzzles me. He's got a store downtown, which is moving this fall, and a booth in a flea market that's closing this fall, and yet he was still at the book sale this week, buying more books. And unless he's had a big clearance sale, his store front will take a few moving trucks to relocate. He's got books packed in so tight that I'm waiting for the store to explode. The shelves are so close together than two people can't pass in the aisle. I'm amazed that he hasn't been sued for being noncompliant with the ADA guidelines and totally inaccessible to people in wheelchairs or on crutches, or basically anyone larger than Kate Moss. But then I'm shocked that the fire marshal doesn't have a stroke just on walking into the store, because I'm guessing it's a fire hazard in a couple of ways. Unless the books are packed so tight that there's not enough oxygen for them to burn.)
Anyway, I need to pack Burrito's diaper bag tonight, and dig through the closet for something to wear other than jeans, if it's there. I may have no choice. Until I lose some weight, I've got two pairs of jeans that fit tolerably well, and a handful of t-shirts and blouses. No skirts, a couple of dresses that probably don't fit anymore. I've got some corduroy pants, but it's still 85 degrees and humid here, so that may not work.
Next month will have another weekend juggling act. My father's family and my mother-in-law's family are both having reunions. On the same weekend. Which happens to be the weekend of the library's children's book sale that I never miss. I think the reunions are on different days, which is good since one reunion is about 2 hours from here, at Bennett Spring State Park (which is lovely, and I haven't been there in years). Hopefully the weather will cooperate this year - last year there was a nasty wind off the lake and it was too cold for fun.
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