Of course, we're spending the night, so we won't be back home until Sunday afternoon/evening, so the real "free time" will be Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday. And DH will probably work those days, so I'm not sure when we'll squeeze in going to the movies. I must see Ratatouille and Harry Potter - I've seen all the Pixars in the theater except for Bug's Life, and all of the Harry Potter movies. And I'm still peeved that I missed out on Super-man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3. To prove our patheticness, I can't remember the last movie we saw. It may have been Eragon, which was something like 8 months ago.
Plans for the free time:
- try to do part of the laundry on Sunday night, to free up Monday
- hit the two main flea markets in town, and possibly some thrift stores
- go to the Childrens Orchard resale store and see what they have in the way of strollers
- work on the Fair entries
- vacuum, since El Burrito is still anti-vacuum-cleaner
And maybe, just maybe, he'll be more inclined to sleep in his crib when he gets home. He actually fell asleep in the crib again last night, and slept for about two hours, but woke up crying and loudly vetoed the idea of spending the rest of the night there. Sigh. And my mother is still giving me grief about letting him fuss for more than 20 minutes in his crib. Even though it took him almost an hour to fall asleep last night. And when we tried the "going in to reassure him every ten minutes" idea, it backfired horribly. He got more and more agitated (actually, p***ed off is a better description) every time we left.
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