I'm typed out after that long post yesterday. Today so far has been a catch-all day. We got started early this morning - DH had an early meeting, and somehow we all ended up awake an hour earlier than usual. We managed to get to the library, Post Office, and Barnes & Noble before lunch; the usual Tuesday library run didn't happen yesterday, so we did it today. And I managed to use some of my B&N certificates that have been sitting around, on the new China Bayles mystery by Susan Wittig Albert.
Side Note: How can I, a book nut, manage to have $50 worth of B&N cards sitting around for most of a year? How? It boggles the mind. I'll tell you how: I went to B&N today looking for two books, the aforementioned Spanish Dagger, and The Children of Hurin. I wasn't really planning on buying Hurin from B&N, since it's 45% off at Amazon, but I thought I'd look. Well, this is how I can have B&N cards hang around a while: I couldn't find the book there at all. Granted, it's a decent-size store, and their organization scheme escapes me most of the time, but still. It's a new book, pretty popular, and it's Tolkien for pete's sake. How was there not at least one copy in the 3x6 feet of shelf space devoted to various Tolkien books?
Anyhow. Back on track. This afternoon I'm catching up on bits and pieces, like finally registering the new camera on the company's website, getting the disputes of our credit reports taken care of, catching up on last week's email backlog, and generally dealing with bits of paper. Later, the decluttering will begin. I'm fed up with this place (again) - it started when I was looking for two pieces of paper that Mom needed. It took way too much hunting to find them.
We (okay, I) need to get back on track with the weight loss, too. DH has apparently lost 15 pounds recently, which I hadn't noticed at all. Yes, I feel like a heel about it. On the other hand, my weight hit an all-time (*) high Monday night. I can maybe write it off as water retention after 4 days in the car, but still. There's a mental block somewhere, since I can sit and read a diet book (last week was Denise Austin's Tone your Tummy Type) while munching Doritos with lunch. Go figure. Not sure what I think of the book's idea, either.
(*) Yes, I did weigh more during the last month or so of pregnancy. Right now, I'm 15 pounds lighter than I was when I came home. The real kick in the butt was that I weighed myself the morning I left for the hospital. That morning I weighed either 207 or 206. Five days later, I came home with an 8-pound baby and decided to get on the scale again. One freaking pound lighter. I know I was retaining a truly insane amount of $84/liter IV saline (no glucose added, I asked), but still. That's so not fair.
And honestly, I'm still a bit discouraged or mad or something over the last time we really tried to lose weight. Somewhere between the engagement and wedding, DH was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. We cut out non-diet sodas, joined a gym, spent at least 3 hours a week at the gym, and started eating salads with dinner. Not just a typical salad, either. Ours involved half a head of lettuce per person, and were served in a 3-lb butter tub. Lettuce, radishes, carrots, mushrooms, very few croutons, a sprinkle of bacon bits (imitation), and moderate amounts of fat-free dressing. DH lost 30 pounds in no time. People noticed. I lost maybe, maybe, 5 pounds. And that was on a good day, scale-wise. And that bit about "you're making muscle while you lose fat, so you may not have a net weight loss" doesn't explain it either. The only difference I noticed was that I gained just enough leg muscle that my only pair of shorts didn't fit anymore. Other than that, I couldn't tell a difference and neither could anyone else. It was very discouraging.
In other news :) Gilmore Girls last night was one of the better episodes this season. It's finally back on track after the insanity of the past season or so (I blame the former producers for writing their show into a corner that had no exit). Unfortunately, there are only two episodes left of this season, and no word yet on if there will be a "next" season or not, and what form it will have if there is another one. So, thanks to some lousy writing last season, a full year was wasted on stupidity and insanity, instead of a decent show. Sigh. I can only hope for another season, whatever form it takes. Rumors include: a half-season, a quarter-season (8 episodes), a full season without Rory since Alexis Bledel is hesitant, or no season at all. Personally, if Luke & Lorelai can get back on track, and Emily & Richard show up occasionally, I could probably handle a Roryless season. Heaven knows her storyline lately has been vague, and with that timid preschooler voice, I find it hard to take her seriously as a journalist anyway. Long-lost daughter ideas should be left to the soap operas. They have more episodes to devote to the drama.
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