Sort of, anyway. The scream some of you may have heard last night was me, realizing that when I dropped my digital camera over the weekend, I may have actually hurt the poor thing. It's been a tough camera, an Olympus C-3020. I've had it probably 5 years now and it's been everywhere, including three weeks in Ireland. But since the weekend, it's been a little flakey. When I first turned it on after the fall, it was throwing the occasional error message (no card, card door open, etc). Now, it has the occasional problem of not taking a picture when I press the shutter button. There's noise, it focuses, but no actual picture. That only happens maybe 20% of the time or less, so it's not a big problem, but it still sucks. I emailed Olympus for a repair quote, but I'm expecting them to laugh and say it's not worth the effort to fix something that old. And I was finally starting to get most of the features figured out and remembering to use them most of the time. On the other hand, the Olympus line that replaced it, which is what I'll probably get, is about $100 or so less than I spent for this one, twice the megapixels, and 10x zoom instead of 3x. Pretty sweet, even if I do have to switch from my obsolete SmartMedia cards to the tiny, easy-to-lose xD cards. For that price, I may also get a smaller refurbished Olympus that I can keep in my purse.
In other news, it's snowing here again, although not much accumulation, and darned cold. Single-digits at night, but still above Zero, so it could be worse. I can't find the pencil case with my crochet hooks, which is making it hard to finish the Acorn hat. And I've still got 1300+ emails to work through in my Yahoo inbox. That number does not include the emails I've saved in other folders.
And the Gilmore Girls episode last night was possibly my favorite this year. The only down sides were the insanity of the Sookie/Jackson story, and the lack of Lane or the original Marty. (The recent psycho-imposter-Marty doesn't count.)
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