Started a new puzzle over the weekend. This one is brand new (not secondhand), made by a company called Cobble Hill. So far I'm liking it overall. Pieces are smaller than what I've been doing lately, because it's a 1000-piece puzzle instead of 500. It's a random-cut, similar to Springbok, but I'm not sure if all of Cobble Hill's puzzles are random, or if they do some that are ribbon-cut. Their version of random is a bit less diabolical than Springbok's, though - no pieces that divide in the middle of the inlet, at least, and no pieces that look like edge but aren't. I also approve of a decent-quality image on the box, and of the small (box-sized) poster of the image included inside. Otherwise, the Cobble Hill logo would have totally hidden the Junco in the corner.

It's similar to a collage puzzle, since it's fairly quick to start doing
each bird individually, especially if you start with the obvious ones
like the cardinal and goldfinch. Now I'm down to things like leaves and bird-feet, so progress is slowing down.