Today: DH dug two flowerbeds along the fence. One has 25 mixed Unwin Dahlia tubers (some of which I don't expect to sprout), the other has about 10 assorted daylilies that I got either last summer or the summer before. HyVee was clearing out their greenhouse, and gallon daylilies were $1 each. I bought a trunk full, and they've been in the biggest flowerpots I could find since then. One is starting to bloom, so they must have been fairly content.
The star jasmine I bought last month is in one of the daylily pots, and hopefully I haven't killed the poor thing. The spearmint, on the other hand, is also unplanted and looking pretty dead. Other than the mint, the only things left on the deck are two petunias, two Easter lilies, a small dahlia, and a Cardinal climber. And, the only seeds left that I really want to plant are the sunflowers - 3 kinds in seed packets, and I may toss in a handful of the black-oil seed that the birds have been eating.
We also did some planting on Memorial weekend. The lilac is finally planted. The large bed has 11 peppers, 4 cauliflower, 2 broccoli, and a cantaloupe. The Westlake's perennials - 2 echinacea (a variety called Magnus - I watch Sanctuary and couldn't pass up the connection), 2 coreopsis, an evening primrose, and a Gaillardia variety called Bijou - were all planted the day I bought them. Except for Bijou, those all went next to the driveway, along with a bunch of annuals. While we were digging that bed, we found the Biggest Worm Ever, worthy of his own SciFi Original Movie:
Seriously. I have Never seen a worm that big. He must have been close to a foot long when he was stretching out.
Oh, and I also have 25 freesia bulbs and 10 (I think) iron cross Oxalis bulbs to plant. It's Westlake's fault - I couldn't pass up the half-price bagged roots (even though the astilbe and echinacea I bought from the same grower were DOA). And 5 Cardinal climber seedlings in the dining room - possibly the only things I started from seed that might do any good. Well, I'll admit, the scarlet runner beans aren't doing bad. Everything else I started, though, was an absolute failure.
Can't wait for the cicadas to quiet down a bit. They're deafening during the day right now - drown out the TV even with the windows closed.